Category: K to 12th Grade – Academic Resources

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Confronting the Anxiety of Mathematics: Embracing the Challenge Please visit disclaimer here Image References/Sources : Adobe Stock & Part of Standard License ( INTRODUCTION Do you experience the feeling of extreme anxiety, concern, and hopelessness while tackling a mathematics problem? Do you fail in math even if you are successful in other subjects and struggle with changing […]
Please visit disclaimer here Unraveling the Equation that Changed the World Have you ever wondered about the incredible mysteries of the universe? What if I told you that one simple equation has the power to explain mind-boggling concepts like energy, mass, and the speed of light? That equation is E=mc², and it was formulated by none […]
Overview Schools in the U.S. tend to focus on sports, extracurriculars, and actual subjects like math and reading. This school system is present in almost every school in america, however the U.S. consistently lags behind other countries in core subjects. So what can be done to stop this, and why is this happening. Sports and […]