Author: Agastya Munnangi

Please visit disclaimer here Image Source : Adobe/Canva Stock & License free image, Some images are generated via AI (Text To Image) References:
Please visit disclaimer here The human brain, often referred to as the most complex organ in the body, is a marvel of nature. It is the control center for virtually everything we think, feel, and do. From regulating our heartbeat and body temperature to enabling us to interpret and respond to complex information from our environment, […]
Please visit disclaimer here Introduction Hey there, young explorer! Have you ever wondered what makes your favorite video games work, how apps on your tablet are created, or how robots follow commands? Well, hold onto your curiosity because we’re about to embark on an exciting adventure into the world of computer programming! What is Computer Programming? […]
Please visit disclaimer here Hey there, young adventurer! Have you ever imagined computers talking to us, understanding our feelings, and even watching movies like we do? Well, get ready for a wild ride as we explore the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – where computers become as cool as humans and maybe even sneak […]
Please visit disclaimer here Overview: The Russo-Ukrainian War, previously referred to as the Ukrainian crisis in its early stages, is an ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in February 2014. However it is most known to start on February 24th, 2022. What has caused this war and what are the U.S. doing to […]
Overview: The definition of minimum wage is the minimum amount of money that the companies have to pay their employees is $7.25 per hour. This is not a lot of money per year especially if you are working part time. This is however the reality, but what can be done to improve this? The reality […]
Overview Schools in the U.S. tend to focus on sports, extracurriculars, and actual subjects like math and reading. This school system is present in almost every school in america, however the U.S. consistently lags behind other countries in core subjects. So what can be done to stop this, and why is this happening. Sports and […]
What is it Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time, this happens due to a country’s government printing too much money, therefore decreasing the value of the currency. The U.S. and many other countries are dealing with this problem, and many are now asking themselves how we can […]
Mental health awareness is crucial because it helps to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness and promotes understanding and empathy towards those who may be struggling. It also encourages individuals to seek help and support when they need it, reducing the likelihood of untreated mental health conditions. Raising awareness about mental health issues can […]
Our planet can only produce a finite number of resources – from food, to water – and can only withstand a certain degree of greenhouse gas emissions in order to stay healthy. We only have one Earth and are utterly dependent on it for our survival and well-being. Watch the video covering this topic. This […]